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Saturday, November 15, 2008

989 - Last in a Series

With 989 days to go, it is still somewhat premature to begin looking at the last day of work, or the last annual review, or any sort of final events.  However, it has occurred to me that I am today experiencing a "last" before a certain retirement - from the school board.

As a school board member for 8 years (currently in the last year of my second, four-year elected term and have chosen not to run again), I have participated in many professional development opportunities related to public education.  This week-end is the Oregon School Boards Association annual convention.  School boards and education service districts from around the state get together annually to learn about trends in education, hear about best practices in a variety of areas and forge colleagial bonds with fellow board members from across Oregon.

And this is my last one.

This is somewhat sobering in that it is an example of many "lasts" I'll be experiencing as I get closer to retirement.  Some lasts will be a relief, but most will be a need for a reluctant good bye.  This week-end has put me on notice that it is time to celebrate areas of life as if they will be the last time to enjoy them.  Not meaning to sound morbid, but isn't that how we should enjoy life anyway?

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