We've Moved!

In an attempt to get organized, The Blogged Word has moved!

We're still on Blogger, just under a different account. Click to go to "
The New Blogged Word."


Saturday, April 25, 2009

That's Right, We've Moved!

One last post to let everyone know about the new site. Please follow to The New Blogged Word!


Sunday, January 4, 2009

939 - A New Year and a New Perspective

Historically, a new year brings resolutions, new ambitions and the usual "fresh start."  However, in a longer time horizon view like the Retirement Countdown, the new perspectives are simply constantly evolving versions.

For example, family.

With the loss of an uncle recently (actually a cousin once removed, but more like an uncle than a cousin), it gave me cause to consider that our time here is finite.  At the risk of getting too focused on our own mortality, it is important to remember that our world won't stay the same forever.  As fast-paced as that world around us operates, it's easy to lose sight of that fact.  Don't squander time with family.  Enjoy that time like it won't last forever - because it won't.

This is true for work as well.  Now, I'd be the first to admit that at this point of my career (hey, after all, I'm writing a blog about counting down to retirement!), I am not going to frantically try to climb the corporate ladder.  But what I will admit is a realization that although in previous posts, I've landed my dream job, this is a great reminder that I can work smarter (and maybe just a bit harder!)

The next position may or may not ever materialize.  However, the passing of a dear family member has reminded me that time, too, passes.  I intend to use it wisely - with family and to capture any possible professional opportunities that may exist for me.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Shower Transformation

Last, but not least.  In fact, in spite of the shower having the least of the structural transformation, it has garnered most of the photos.  Here are five that capture the essence of the change.

The shower seemed to have the most discreet steps.  Not in the sense of dragging down the rest of the project, but rather, the complexity of what needed to be accomplished.  Recall the significant effort to build the shower pan.  Many steps were involved from here:

To here:
Then, the tile.  Cutting, fitting, placing the spacers, realigning, grouting... It seemed as if it wouldn't end.
But end it did - and in a glorious way!  The shower door was like icing on the cake.

The Bathroom Remodel has been a great project.  Made possible by significant planning (with proper adjustments), careful decision making, a persnickety contractor, and a TON OF LUCK!

Thank you for following along.  Check back often for new topics and more focus on existing ones.  Who knows, maybe another remodeling project might be in our future!