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Friday, November 21, 2008

983 - Changing Professional Perspectives

My Retirement Countdown continues to be a transformational, professional journey.  When the countdown started, I was in an environment of hard work, positioning for that next promotion, seeking and taking advantage of opportunities - the typical professional ladder climbing attitude.

Then, in 1588, I talked about landing my dream position.  While the hard work part is still a daily part of my life, the posturing for that next position (at least for now since I love what I do) isn't quite as important.  In case my boss reads this, I of course would entertain any opportunity to grow - it's just not a high priority right now.

But professional perspectives can change for many reasons.

Many of you know son Jake has been a producer for Good Day Oregon at KPTV Fox 12.  Recently, he was asked to help initiate the new 8:00 PM news program on sister station, PDXTV.  Having your son sought after for a specific position is pretty cool.  But the suspender snapper for me was when he told us he is now the producer for Fox 12's 10 O'Clock News.  This is a significant show of faith in his abilities and we are very proud.

My reason for the story is not to brag about my kid (well, maybe just a little), but instead to make a point.  As parents, we all take pride in our children's accomplishments in school, but we keep focusing on our own careers and that next jump on the ladder.  However, when our children's accomplishments begin to take place in their "profession," well... it has altered my professional perspective forever.  A leap-frogging of importance has just taken place.

Yes, the rest of my career is still very, very important to me.  But, it pales in comparison to the importance (and remember: PRIDE!) I now feel for the accomplishments he is enjoying in his profession.

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