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Saturday, December 13, 2008

At Last!

In Etta James' song, At Last she uses a phrase that, with some license, works for us at the completion of this project.  She sings, "A dream that I can call my own."  For us, it's simply the plural variant indicating "our" dream.
In these next few posts, I'll show a sequence of various views, providing some indication of the transformation that has just taken place.  The final product is wonderful, but it is the transformation that has impressed and given us the daily "wow" factor.

As we went from what was quite familiar, to demolition, and then to the rebuilding, the dream truly was coming into view.

As the finished product started to come into view, the excitement grew for two reasons.  One, for sure, was that we were to get our bathroom, a new and improved version, back.  But secondly, to see just how close the final product would match "our dream."

It is hard to believe it is the same space.  A second sink, more usable cabinet space, a larger shower and considerably upgraded surroundings - all in the same footprint.  An efficient project, based on the early La La Land expectations we held at the beginning.  Money well spent, for an appropriate level of benefit.  A combination of reality and choosing the right contractor.

Early indications: we have a winner!


Molly said...

Lovely! Must be nice after all this time!

Dave said...

It's been very nice, thanks. Between the weather, the holidays and just enjoying the new room, I've been neglecting the blog.

Back at it!