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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Grout Everywhere!

Wow!  Isn't this great?  Tom says this effect is all the rage!  Ahh... no.  Grout is a bit of a messy animal.  Fortunately, for people who know how to work with it, it sure cleans up nice.  What's the adage?  Something about breaking some eggs to make an omelet?

It is amazing just how much of a difference some well-placed goo makes when the right color is selected and applied by someone with skill.

The best way to see the impact of the grout in any of these photos is to click on a picture and see a zoomed version.  The detail is impressive.  You should see it in person.  For those of you who can, you have an open invitation.  
From a distance (these photos), not a lot seems to change on a daily basis.  I have to admit, I've been challenged trying to select photos that show some progress.  Progress is taking place each day - a significant amount - but without being up close, it's hard to see the details (click to zoom.)

Here's one that comes with an apology.  Sorry, Tom.  I couldn't resist capturing a shot of the guy who's making this transformation take place.  Thanks, Captain Grout!

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