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Saturday, October 25, 2008

1047 - Vacations With New Meaning

In addition to relationships in the workplace, vacations have evolved over time as well. It used to be that the traditional 7-day vacation was the norm. If lucky, a trip somewhere exotic was in the cards, but unfortunately, not often enough. Over time, that has evolved into 11+ days for those exotic locals. Here's how:

For the first time two years ago, our Hawaiian vacation was an "11-dayer." Little did I know a year earlier when the plans were made that it would change the landscape. During the trip, we joked on the 7th day about that day being when we would normally be going home. Then on Day 8, we began to appreciate the "bonus time." On Day 9, the deep relaxation began to kick in and on Day 10, the mind finally caught up with the body. When going home on Day 11, it was the first time I truly felt the full relaxation that had been the goal during all the previous years of "7-dayers."

With college tuition still being part of the picture at that time, it took an entire year after the first "11-dayer" to plan the next one - a year out. But it did get planned a little over a year ago and here we are, day after tomorrow, going again. But this time, the planning for the "next" one is starting before the "current" one. Hey, after all, the anticipation, planning and mental journey far in advance is half the fun.

Sure, seeing the end of college tuition payments in the distance is one significant factor in being able to consider the next vacation right away. But there is of course another factor1060: Relief + Frustration + Encouragement + Relaxation = Hope. Let's focus on the Relaxation part this time.

As I've blogged before, diet and exercise are under control. It is the third pillar of relaxation that needs work. There are of course many dimensions of relaxation such as attitude, music selection, planning, problem solving approaches and of course, vacations. All the former are worth blog posts on thier own, but we're talking about vacation here. My goal is to help the mind catch up to the body more often.

In large ways, the "11-dayers" could be considered chainsaw carving. The others such as attitude, music selection, planning, problem solving approaches and many other daily choices would be considered handsaws, files, sandpaper and polish. (Not necessarily in any order.) It will take a comprehensive strategy, approached from many directions, to achieve the same level of stress reduction as I have with diet and exercise.

Does this perspective ring any bells with you? Could it help you create vacations with new meaning? If so, how are you going to go about it?

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