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In an attempt to get organized, The Blogged Word has moved!

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The New Blogged Word."


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Beginning of the End

For weeks, we've been excited about the buzz of activity around here.  Prior to that, it was all about the hunt; the hunt to find the right person to transform our space; the hunt for the right materials; the hunt for the right accessories.  That hunt was successful, (the end of the beginning!), we got our buzz, and now beginning to see the end of the process.  Bitter/sweet.  It has not been torture, but rather a slight inconvenience at the bottom end, and intensely satisfying and rewarding at the top end.

As this post's title suggests, there won't be too many blog posts remaining.  A few more to wrap up the construction, then one with the shower door installed, and finally - the completed look.  I may throw a few "transformational" photo sequences in there for good measure.  I so enjoyed "Fun With Before and After" that it might be interesting to devote a few posts to before/during/after shots.

You've probably noticed that I'm halfway through this post and I haven't mentioned any of these photos yet.  That's because we've arrived at a point where there's not much "action."  A quick point about the base pieces installed on the cabinets' kick plates: each small finishing touch adds a great deal, but yes, not much else is happening.  The grout's down and we're waiting for it to cure so the sealer can be installed.  Just like a dog who can't quite get to his bone...

The hinges sitting on the tub deck above play into the final picture, so don't go to sleep on me quite yet.  Remember the access hatch cut into the tub deck frame?    

Well, we now have a beautiful new Lucent Blue door!  Don't you love the color?  Right.  It's all the rage just like the grout treatment previously.  Of course not.  Simply a protective coating.  But we now have a matching cabinet door (really, it's white!), newly engineered to allow easy access to the valves.  Look closely, and you'll see the same old handles, one installed backward, waiting for the new set.  Stay tuned.

It's been an amazing transformation, but the best is yet to come.

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