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Saturday, October 25, 2008

1060: Relief + Frustration + Encouragement + Relaxation = Hope

These are an unusual grouping of feelings, but when one visits their cardiologist, this could be considered only the tip of the emotional iceberg.  Fortunately, the follow-up was all positive - at least to the extent possible.  Except for constant running, all other activity requests were granted - tennis, walking, golf.  The long, slow burn of walking is the best.  I liked the doctor's analogy: one might drive a brand new Ferrari hard with power slides around turns on the track and rapid acceleration, but a 52 year old model might not be treated quite the same way.  I appreciated being connected to a Ferrari.

Relief.  With the dramatic change of eating and exercise habits over the last few years, nothing really has to change in that regard.  Yes, a relief.  With a very positive prognosis, things are almost all back to normal.  Time horizons are back in place and opinions of the future are back where they were.  With only a slight modification which includes some meds.

Frustration.  There's one aspect of the follow-up visit that did cause some frustration.  The cardiologist made a comment that put me in a place from which I can't exit:  "I didn't pick my parents well."  This has nothing to do with my love of my parents, but everything to do with heredity.  There are simply a couple of small blood vessels that are not fully functioning.  Not much can be done in that regard.  Fortunately, the areas of the heart serviced by those arteries don't require a lot of blood anyway.  The meds are the "fix."

Encouragement.  Back to the lack of habit-changing requirements: the path I'm currently traveling is sound.  Keep up the good eating habits (one burger a month allowed!) and keep up the exercise regimen.  This was a "keep doin' what you're doin' " moment.  The only piece of the trilogy that I'm lacking is relaxation.

The cardiologist cited a book he recommends to patients written by Dr. Dean Ornish called "Reversing Heart Disease.  The three elements of his strategy are diet, exercise and relaxation.  I'm currently batting two for three.  But relaxation will be the new blip on my health radar.

This all adds up to Hope.  After 1123, I immediately began questioning everything about my current being.   Schedules, commitments, attitudes, activities - they were all scrutinized.  Fortunately, a more objective review over some time helped me to realize that not much has to change.  Everything (except running!) is still part of the picture and that is a relief.  Based on the report, my hope is that a very large percentage of my life will continue unaffected.

One additional note:  I'm considering the merits of a blog topic that discusses my migration from cholesterol levels near 230 and lowering it on my own in eight months to 149.  I'd appreciate your thoughts on the merits of this discussion and how it could be structured.  If I can make that sort of impact on my own, others may benefit from the journey.  Please weigh in on the issue.

The Countdown continues.  Now, with an ever-evolving perspective not known before.  Next area of exploration and eventual focus: relaxation.

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